So, you're interested in becoming an article writer? Well, you're in luck! There are thousands upon thousands of article writing positions available for you to snatch up today. But, how do you get an article writing position? How do you process article submissions? How do you practice article marketing? Well, there are answers to all of these common questions and more in this very article.
First and foremost, you will want to know where to look for your article writing position. With a bit of know-how and Internet savvy, you can obtain just about any kind of writing job there is to find on the World Wide Web. One thing to consider is to try a local classified ad. There are hundreds of companies out there looking for freelance writers to create original articles. But, why do they do this? Well, for one, paying a freelance writer is simply economic. Companies on average pay roughly 20% less or more to freelance writers than they would a language major gunning for a writing position.
When processing article submissions, it will really all depend on your client or the company who has hired you. Some companies will want you to submit your writing directly to their website, while others will have you email them each article on a word document. Either way, you will get the low-down and how-to with each and every article-writing job you get.
On the topic of article marketing, if you are creating content for your own website, you will be responsible for all article marketing through search engines. However, if you are the article writer for a company, they have you enter in a few key phrases or words to help the search engines to "pick up" your article, giving you a top-notch position on searches. With that said, not all companies will require this. In fact, many other companies will have you write what your heart desires, then, will enter in links throughout the article to specific words which leads to products or more articles.
This is a great way for any company to gain more traffic to their website. However, remember, traffic means nothing if you cannot capture the audience. The last step to getting an article writing position is to know your writing. Engage your readers with your personality. Allow yourself to come through, even on your more technical articles. It is absolutely necessary to give your readers something entertaining. Stop, think, would you want to read your own work? If you would, then once it is polished with a spell-checker or grammar-checker you are ready to submit your articles without worry of them getting rejected.
These are of course only a handful of the things you will need to know and understand while becoming an article writer. However, not everything can be expressed when you are dealing with personal muses and abilities to write. It is a matter of taking the writing bull by the horns and getting your work done efficiently and well.
Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.