As you may very well already know, there are so few options to bring in the cash-flow when you're a stay at home mom or dad. Whether or not you need it, having extra income, especially these days, can help you to offset any financial burdens of choosing to be a stay at home parent.
But, what can you do? Well, you could go the "normal" route or you can do what many others have, and become an article writer. While it may sound too lucrative, you will find that the art of article submission and article marketing is quite easy to get into if you have the gumption.
As an article writer, you have quite a bit of control. The only thing that you will generally have to follow is the topics that your employer or client would like covered. Once you have your topic, the sky is the limit when creating article content. But, how do you get into article writing? Why is it a great option for the stay at home mom or dad?
Well, article writing, marketing, and submission can all be done at home. You can telecommute to your office so long as you have a computer. While the Internet will help you to broaden your horizons with article submission, it isn't always necessary. If you opt to write without the Internet, you will need a strong resume and will have to submit it to your local companies looking for article work.
If you are "connected", you will find that a whole new world of opportunity has opened up to you. First, you will want to research reputable article submission websites or employers. Once you are sure that they have the rapport to back up, you know that you will be in good hands. You will want to first and foremost, get payment situated. It is never a good idea to be in a gray area with your pay-rate.
Generally speaking, most of those who commission you to write articles will have a base pay per article or per word. You must be comfortable with this rate, as it will help to ensure that you produce top-notch quality articles.
There are a few rules to live by when becoming an article writer. Namely, editing! Without editing, you will get nowhere fast. Fortunately, editing your articles couldn't be easier these days. With software to do it for you, there is very little need to implement the human element of an editor.
Once your articles are spell checked and grammar checked; you are now ready for article submission. If you opted to submit it to an online article company that pays based on whether or not they accept the article, you will want to make sure that your article is engaging and hard to pass up. Otherwise, you can very well be left holding the bag with an article that cannot be re-submitted. So, practice makes perfect and perfection is key when participating in this type of article marketing or any type of article submission.
Niche Writers India provide article writer and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.